UX Case Studies

Redesign of Karnataka One mobile app
(Case Study)
Karnataka Mobile One app is the state government 'service aggregator' app providing access to 3,500+ services at the citizens' fingertips. The app was bringing in a lot of services in one app (Great idea!) , but, the app fell short on user experience and overall usability aspect.
I conducted an analysis of app experience and re-designed it to be consistent with Karnataka One brand.
MD&I Expertise Locator (IBM Intranet tool)
Employees want means to identify subject matter experts, so they can self-organize and collaborate in cross-functional teams. This asset was an intranet tool to identify the most relevant experts, so they can leverage peer knowledge, competencies and expertise to answer stakeholder business problems quickly with confidence.
I was the part of a 3-member UX design team. I worked as a UX Researcher and designed the Onboarding process.

IBM Bluemine (Internal Market Intelligence Portal) Redesign
The internal facing product is an application that allows 125K+ IBMers to access market intelligence and make strategic decisions that impact the business. An internal satisfaction survey found discrepancy between what 'content' the users 'found' and what they 'hoped to find' by using the application. In spite of this, it showed that our users recognized bluemine's potential, yet struggled to maximize on the value seen in it.
I was part of 4-member UX Research team on the project.
Our work was awarded in Nielsen Norman Intranet Awards (2019).